Sugar beet

sowinggermination2 true leaves6-8 leaves10-12 leavesrow coveringfull vegetation
MICRAMINE 38 20-30kg/ha       
MICRAMINE 50 20-30kg/ha       
NANOTACT pHfix 0,05 - 0,3% conc.
  element® BORON 1-3l/haelement® ENERGY 2l/ha 1 to 2 applications
     element® COMPLEX 2l/ha 1 to 3 applications
   element® PRONUTRA 2l/ha  
   element® ZINC 2-3l/ha   
   element® THIOMINE 1l/ha 1 to 3 applications  
Selected products for sugar beet
Subskrybuj Sugar beet